Saturday, January 18, 2014

Great Moments in Comic Book History

Roger Visits his Aunt!

From Nova #9


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Best wishes to all of you!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Have a great holiday everybody!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nova's "Necking and Such"

So I’m reading my copy of Nova Classic, ‘cause that’s what all the cool adults do, when I come to issue five of the original ‘70s Nova series and a section on the Comics Code jumps out at me. 

Richard Rider, AKA Nova the Human Rocket, visited Marvel’s offices hoping to get a comic book title based on himself. Amazingly, Nova wants the comic to show all his sexual conquests (“Necking and Such”) rather than be censored by that pesky Comics Code. Sadly, of course, the “Necking and Such” adult content would never appear. Not wanting to miss a lost opportunity nor bow to past censorship, I’ve decided to reconstruct these possible lost scenes using actual dialog from the Nova comics, Enjoy!


Friday, November 29, 2013

Saturday Morning Cartoon Ads

Here are some cartoon ads that appeared in Comic books

Challenge of the Gobots 1986

Jestsons and Galtar and the Golden Lance, 1986

NBC's moring lineup 1978, Including the Fantastic Four with no Human Torch and Godzilla with his little buddy Godzuki


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Sorry some folks will be getting screwed over because they have to work.

I will NOT be going to any Black Thanksgiving sales. Just Chillin' at home

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Scares and Chills for all!

I never forgot this cover!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thundarr Gangnam Style

Long time No see!

Here's my own Gangnam Style music video  I threw together from some old Thundarr VHS I had laying around, enjoy.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Great Moments in Comic History

Bruce Banner almost gets raped in Hulk Magazine #23!

Now we know why he's always angry!!!


Friday, March 22, 2013

There are worse fates I suppose...


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Response to the Republican Convention

Rebutting all the lies and nonsense aside, this is a great rejoinder to the so-called "family values crowd"

The fact that this country produced the Cramps always gives me hope


Sunday, August 26, 2012

At the time it seemed the logical thing to do

I went to Trek in the Park for the last performance of season 4. It was a lot of fun watching them perform Journey to Babel. Plus, Garret Wang showed up in the role of an extra.

Fight scene:

CBS video about the production:


Monday, August 13, 2012

Joe Kubert has died

I just can't believe it. Good old Joe Kubert has passed away at the age of 85. There is so much to say but all I can muster is that he truly was one of the greats. He will be deeply missed. I loved just about everything he did. Go Easy Joe, Go Easy…


Friday, June 15, 2012

The GOP plan for the Middle-Class and the Poor:


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Malibu's Imprint House Ads 1989-'90

Malibu Comics had several imprint lines based on comic companies it had acquired over its existence. The house ads here are from Aircel, Eternity, and Adventure

Malibu was eventually bought by Marvel


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

House Ads for Pacific Comic 1983

From the short-lived but interesting publisher Pacific Comics

Some of Pacific Comics titles were picked up by Eclipse Comics after Pacific went bankrupt.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Ernie Chan Has Died

It is tough news to hear that fan favorite Ernie Chan has died of cancer, just one week after the awful news that Tony DeZuñiga died last week.

Ernie was such a fantastic creator; I really love his body of work and his artistic style. I have many of the Dark Horse trades with his Conan stories, plus other collections and individual issues like Red Sonja, Claw, Power Man etc. He is one of my top five favorite artists so this really hurts.

I had the good fortune of meeting Ernie in 2008 and had him sign a few of my Conan comic trades. It is a great legacy he leaves us with but sadly it is a legacy that now has an end point. Paalam -Swinebread

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tony DeZuñiga has passed away

I was unbelievably saddened to hear that artist Tony DeZuñiga died last week and that his illness leading up to his death caused financial hardship for his family. He was one of the true greats and I consider it an honor to have met him. If you don’t know Tony, you don’t know comics imho. I have a copy of Jonah Hex #9 (of the 2006 series) that I had him autograph in 2008. I’ll treasure it forever.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Eclipse Comics House Ads from 1988

Here are four house ads from the defunct Eclipse Comics. In '88 they were #3 in the comic biz...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I saw John Carter this last weekend... It was a lot of fun. Ignore the critics and Disney's horrible marketing campaign and just enjoy the movie.

Here a fun clip with Woola!


Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

I'm outing myself here but yes I was in the Army way back when.

As you can tell from the photo I was still a gen-x geek even while in uniform as attested by such things as:

The spike Gremlin in front of the pentium computer.

The empty bag of chips on the floor

A copy of PC Gamer on the Chair

Hellraiser Puzzle box on the coffee table

and the Call of Cthulhu RPG books on the shelf
