Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Old Norm Coleman is a sore loser if I ever saw one...



Randal Graves said...

Maybe if he had done more drugs, he wouldn't have turned out to be such a putz.

Dean Wormer said...

He really is a dick. I agree with those that say the whole point is to make it easier to obstruct Obama's agenda. In that sense I hate the entire GOP establishment.

Don Snabulus said...

If they had played games in MN in 2008 as they did in FL in 2000, I would say he should keep going in court.

The fact is that this was, unlike FL, a FULL recount and it simply did not go Coleman's way.

It shows the lack of quality evident in Coleman's personality that he couldn't be as gracious as Al Gore in defeat even though Coleman's loss was equitable and above-board when Gore's was a result of politicking (a recount stopped by the Supreme Court? Really.) that held disastrous consequences for this country.

That pic is high-larious.

rob! said...

Jeez, he had a mean little face even back then.

Steve said...

loved the daily show last night where they showed a clip where Coleman was ahead saying Stuart should quit.

Different song know that he is behind lol