Happy Halloween from two monstrous butchers!
“We definitely wanted a Captain America that still screamed, ‘This is Captain America,’ but this isn’t the same Cap you’ve been reading about,” says Ed Brubaker, the comic book’s writer. “This isn’t Steve Rogers.”
Brubaker, who has been writing the comic book for nearly three years, says he has always tried to emphasize Captain America’s military background. And the truth is, he adds, this isn’t the first time that the Captain has been armed.
“I’ve leaned on the ‘soldier’ part of supersoldier,” Brubaker says. “If you look at Cap in the 1940s, they have him with a shield in one hand and a machine gun in the other, and Bucky (the Captain’s World War II teen sidekick) has a flamethrower.
“In the ’80s they started changing his history, saying he’d never killed anyone.”
The next Portland Comic Book Show is on Sunday, November 11th at the Memorial Moliseum in the Exhibit Hall. The Memorial Coliseum is right next door to the Rose Garden Arena where the Portland Trailblazers play their home games. Directions to the Memorial Coliseum are available on our website www.portlandcomicbookshow.com
The Portland Comic Book Show will feature the creative talents of:
Brian Michael Bendis: Civil War, Ultimate Spider-Man, New Avengers, Powers
Howard Chaykin: Blade, Wolverine, Hawkgirl, Blackhawk, American Flagg
Clayton Crain: Sensational Spider-Man & Ghost Rider Artist
Steve Leialoha: Fables & Jack Frost Artist
Kurt Busiek: Astro City Creator, Conan,JLA/Avengers Writer
Randy Emberlin: Long-time Amazing Spider-Man Artist
Anne Timmons: Go Girl Artist
Brent Anderson: Rising Stars, Astro City Artist
Scott Allie: Dark Horse Writer/Editor
Brandon Jerwa: Battlestar Galactica & Highlander Writer
Jamie S. Rich: Love the Way You Love Writer
Trina Robbins: Comic Book Writer/Artist/Historian; GoGirl! Writer
Jason Martin: Super Real Writer/Artist/Creator
Jim Smith: Boris the Bear Writer/Artist/Creator
James Taylor: Writer/Artist/Publisher, Rorshach Entertainment
Richard Scott: Illustrator, Research Assistant/Writer
Joelle Jones: 12 Reasons Why I Love Her GN artist
Dealer & Artist tables are now on sale! Call Second Genesis at 503-788-1031 for a table packet. We're extending the $90. Dealer price until October 31. SmallPress/Artist tables are $45. until October 31.
At the show:
All day & time permitting: Scott Allie will be doing Portfolio Reviews. A rare chance for local artists to show their portfolios to a Dark Horse Editor.
At noon: "When Women Flew: Flying Women in the Comics of World War II and in
Real Life" a Slide Show/Discussion by Trina Robbins
At 2:30pm: "Ask The Writers Panel Discussion" attendees are invited to ask the comic book writers questions. Likely candidates for the Panel Discussion will be Brian Michael Bendis, Howard Chaykin, Scott Allie, Kurt Busiek, Brandon Jerwa, Jamie S. Rich and Trina Robbins. Paul Guinan (Heartbreakers) will moderate. Questions must be submitted by November 5 via email to portlandcomicbookshow@comcast.net
Please put "questions for writers" in the subject field.
Dealers Room:
There will be 165 tables of dealers and collectors with hundreds of thousands of comic books, we estimate that there will be 250,000 comic books at the show on Sunday! Plus Toys & Action Figures, non-sports cards, Anime merchandise, Star Wars & Star Trek material, videos/DVD's, Original art, posters, prints, Disney, TV & Film Memorabilia. Admission is $7. for ages 8 & up, 7 & under are free.
Hours are 10am to 5pm. We will put up a list of attending dealers the week of
the show.
Our show is on Veteran's Day this year, November 11th. We want to thank the Veterans who have served or Military Personal that are currently serving with free admission to this show. Just bring your Military Card AND Photo ID for free admission. If you have other people in your family or group they will need to pay regular admission.
There is a caveat, though: The proposed series doesn't have anyone named Luke or Anakin in it, a story path that Lucas concedes is "taking chances" as far as connecting with an audience expecting the familiar mythology.
"The Skywalkers aren't in it, and it's about minor characters," Lucas said in an interview. "It has nothing to do with Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader or any of those people. It's completely different. But it's a good idea, and it's going to be a lot of fun to do."
This book represents a first for BASIC ROLEPLAYING—a system complete in one book, without a defined setting. Previously, BASIC ROLEPLAYING has been an integral part of standalone games, usually with rich and deep world settings. Due to differences in these settings, BASIC ROLEPLAYING has had many different incarnations. Variant and sometimes contradictory rules have emerged between versions, to better support one particular setting over another.
Chaosium’s BASIC ROLEPLAYING system reconciles these different flavors of the system and brings many variant rules together into the covers of one book, something that has never been done before. Some of these rules are provided as optional extensions, some as alternate systems, and others have been integrated into the core system. By design this work is not a reinvention of Basic Roleplaying or a significant evolution of the system, but instead a collected and complete version, without setting, provided as a guide to players and gamemasters everywhere and compatible with most Basic Roleplaying games. It also allows the gamemaster the ability to create his or her own game world (or worlds), to adapt others from fiction, films, or even translate settings from other roleplaying games into Basic Roleplaying.
The DEADWORLD RPG is based upon Gary Reed's DEADWORLD comic, previously published by Caliber Comics and Image Comics, and soon to be released through Desperado Publishing. One of the forerunners of the zombie comic, DEADWORLD was an early work of artist Vincent Locke who went on to work on DC/Vertigo's SANDMAN and A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, recently made into a major motion picture.
Seraphim Guard plans to release the DEADWORLD RPG in fall 2008, at the Wizard World Chicago comic convention.