Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Secret Persuasion

Guess what? Secret Invasion sucked! What a surprise, but hey, we knew it would so why the hell did some of you drink the cool-aid and buy this steaming pile of a crossover? More spandex signifying nothing.

By the end of Secret Invasion, all $400-or-so of it, nothing of note has really changed (One character died, yes, but another one was revealed to have never died at all, so even that's a wash). The status quo has been successfully maintained, as has the continuity of fans' collections the world over. And, most importantly for Marvel, a lot of comics have been sold by successfully baiting and switching readers with the possibility that everything they know is wrong... Nah, only joking.
from here

How can some folks keep falling for this stuff? It must be new readers or something...

I mean seriously, anybody that bought this crossover should be ashamed... It had the word Secret right there in the title... if that doesn't broadcast to you how gawd awful it was going be then frankly you're hopeless.

stop supporting crap

and Marvel? The economy is in the toilet with a scariness that's approaching the Great Depression.... stop selling crap...
"I'm losing my house, but boy, I sure can't wait to spend my hard earned bucks on Secret Invasion Hardcovers! "


I didn't even read it and I feel cheated...



Don Snabulus said...

Now I feel cheated by something I didn't even know was happening and it is all your fault. :D

Eaglewing said...

I didn't read it, I didn't buy it, and I didn't even follow it online. Did somebody die? Did somebody come back? I'm shocked. Wake me up when Wolverine loses his memories again...

Thomas Fummo said...

whenever I see 'Who do you trust' I think of Jack Nicholson saying 'Money money money, hubba hubba hubba, who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money? And where is the Batman? He's at home, washing his tights!"

oh yeah, I also feel cheated.
nasty cheats... whatever. :-p

Arkonbey said...

Your rant rings true. I've wondered why Marvel seems bent on producing terrible crossover maxi-series like (shudder) Civil War. I mean we've all hated crossovers since the (shudder) Secret Wars Two.

Are they simply hoping that the newest comic generation won't notice and snap them up?

Or, is it that they are out of original ideas?

The Moody Minstrel said...

You've made me feel ashamed, and I didn't even know about it!