Since it’s almost Halloween, I thought I’d list some of my favorite comic book costumes from years gone by. You'll notice no Superman, Batman, or X-men costumes (except for Dark Phoenix) because I'm just too overexposed to them. In no particular order:
Fantastic Four She-HulkShulkie is interesting because she's never really had a costume per se except for her time in the mid '80s with the FF. The results were stunning don't you think?
SpidermanSpidey's look is as iconic as DC's big three but somehow his costume still seems fresh after all these years.
Doctor SpectrumI enjoy this Marvelized Green Lantern for his bold colors and simple masked design.
SandmanThe original pulp superhero. You gotta' love the gas mask and gas gun.
HarbingerShe's gotta' nice mix of Roman goddess and classic Sci-fi in her superhero outfit that gives her sexy regalness that brings it home for me.
Judge DreddDredd has a hardcore, over the top, and supercool costume that's perfect for fighting crime in the future.
Doctor DoomDoom is powerful and fearsome in his medieval looking armor and green cape. Plus his sidearm gives him that modern fascist look.
SupernovaHe has kind of a generic costume but that's why I like it I think. It's sort of an everyman kinda look. The combo of full mask and cape really pulls the whole thing together.
Blue BeetleI really groove on the cross Spiderman/Batman vibe that the Blue Beetle costume (at least the Ted Kord version) has.
Scarlet WitchI love everything about how the she looks. The Scarlet Witch is the perfect gift for Valentine's day.
GamoraShe's had a lot of changes to her costume but I like the original the best. Sassy and deadly all in one.
Psycho-PirateHis suit messes with my emotions...
The QuestionWho doesn't like a guy with a fedora and trench-coat but when you add the blank face... classic!
The ShockerI like the fact that this guy just looks like a thug.
G.I. JoeI picked up a few issues of the G.I. Joe when I was a kid but I dropped it after I realized it was more about shooting people then having amazing superpowers, but I was still always attracted to the title for some reason. Now I know why. It was because of the costumes. Regardless of any jingoistic message of the series, G.I. Joe had and still does have a ton of wonderfully designed outfits. Basically, the X-men movie folks ripped off costume ideas from G.I. Joe when they went they looking for a more realistic look for the mutants. Here's a few of my top favorites.
Storm Shadow
Cobra Commader with hate hood
Captain AmericaOK I admit the little wings don't work as well in this day and age but otherwise what we have here is the ultimate patriotic costume. Plus the Cap shield seals the deal for me. Cap is the Defender of Liberty not the attacker for Liberty and the Shield symbolically backs that up. Folks outside the US might not be able to appreciate his outfit as much which makes sense.
ValkrieDoes this really need to be explained to you?
Dark PhoenixSexy Cosmic Evil? ...I think so!
Moon KnightI've never been a super big fan of Moon Knight but I keep coming back because of the excellent look that he has.
The RocketeerBest homage to retro-sci-fi ever. How could this wonderfully conceived outfit not be on any comic lover's list.
Vance AstroThe Guardians of the Galaxy are great and Vance has the best costume of the group with or without cap's shield. It's simple but elegant with an amazing abllity to stick to his face.
The Human BombThis guys is obviously dangerous and his costume says this in spades.
Doctor FateThe archetypal superhero magic-user. I love the Helmet and color scheme .
Union JackI'm not an Anglophile but Union Jack sure has a kick-ass patriotic costume.
Jennifer MorganShe sure looks like she has mystic powers right?
NovaHis suit has been messed with a lot over the years but I like the classic version the best although the latest one isn't too shabby.
Original Spider-WomanOne of the first amazing female costumes at Marvel IMHO. The 2nd Spider-Woman had a pretty good one as well.
Mr. MonsterNothing says Halloween Like Mr. Monster!
HobgoblinPlayful and Scary at the same time.
Kang the ConquererI know that most folks think his costume is dorky but there is just something about it that works for me.
Doctor MidnightA classic cross of Pulp Adventurer and Superhero
Green LanternI think Hal Jordan's orginal sleek costume was a masterstroke from a design sense but I also like all the variations that DC has created for the different Green Lanterns over the years.
Dartprobably the best thing about the Atari Force comic was the character of Dart. I loved her her sci-fi mercenary look.
Jack of HeartsHe's always been one of my favs and his complicated playing card inspired costume is one of the reasons.
Wonder WomanI'm not particularly into WW but you have to admit that her superhero costume is one of the best ever.
