Your Score: Gang Leader
You scored 61 Strength, 55 Guile, 33 Morality, and 66 Survival Rate!

You're strong and smart. Traits that the other thugs respect. Your survival skills are a bit low, but it doesn't matter because you can get someone else to do all the work for you. Just come up with a really cool gang name and sit back and relax.
I'm not sure what the picture has to do with anything but there you go.
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Your Score: The "Doctor"
You scored 56 Strength, 62 Guile, 78 Morality, and 60 Survival Rate!
You're intelligent and you care about the well-being of your fellow man. Maybe to a fault. You're just bearly keeping yourself together. Regardless, everyone is glad to have you around. Just make sure you look out for number one once in a while.
...obviously ;-)
Hey! I thought I would be the first poster! Darn..
Your Score: The "Doctor"
You scored 40 Strength, 66 Guile, 76 Morality, and 58 Survival Rate!
You're intelligent and you care about the well-being of your fellow man. Maybe to a fault. You're just bearly keeping yourself together. Regardless, everyone is glad to have you around. Just make sure you look out for number one once in a while.
You scored 59 Strength, 77 Guile, 23 Morality, and 79 Survival Rate!
I'm a cannibal and you're looking mighty tasty today, Swiney.
zombie survival guide test
And World War Z website has a "calculate risk" test to see if you'd survive a zombie outbreak-
it's here
mine says I'm 'pretty damn ready'...
but why the hell does it have christianity written on it?
Your Score: The Great Leader
You scored 61 Strength, 82 Guile, 52 Morality, and 75 Survival Rate!
Follow me or die in the dirt.
Looks like I must battle Snab for supremacy:
Your Score: The Great Leader
You scored 63 Strength, 66 Guile, 76 Morality, and 72 Survival Rate!
However, while I have greater strength, I am more moral and have less guile, so I will probably lose.
Ok Dean, here's my Zombie survival stats:
Survival Ability: 66%
Intelligence: 68%
The test says that I'm Not quite up to par
What does it mean? You are gonna die no matter what. There is no way to avoid it, although you will try and maybe hold out for a day.
Risk Calculator: 40%
What does it mean? You are gonna die no matter what. There is no way to avoid it, although you will try and maybe hold out for a day.
NOT if you die after being bitten by a zombie.
Which is why you have to get ready for the coming zombie plague.
I was going to eliminate your ability to lead with my electromagnetic pulse weapon I salvaged at the science institute, but now I doubt whether it would work.
It doesn't matter, because we will need to team up to defend ourselves against the doctors.
These questions are biased towards hominids. I calculate my own chance of survival as %100. Also I will be your overlord.
Yikes, I got The Great Leader, which is certainly a mistake! I don't want to lead anyone! :)
I took it again and it says that I'm UnDead.
say this is kinda cool!
wow this is popular one.
thanks everybody for commenting.
I'm yet another Doctor...
45 Strength, 73 Guile, 69 Morality, and 64 Survival Rate!
At least I have more guile and a higher survival rate than the other two (whom I shall refer to henceforth as "the snack cupboard").
Oops, did my morality rate just drop a point?
I guess you're in-charge!
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