This makes sense somehow… …if I don’t think about it too hard.
I guess I like the wacko ones....
Edit: After checking out Becca's post I added what Pixar character are you.
And I'm:

Find out what pixar character are you at
Well that fits!
What Character from the Spidey movies am I:

Find out your Spider-Man personality at LiquidGeneration!
How 80s am I:

Find out how totally 80's are you at LiquidGeneration!
Hell Yeah!
What Batman character Am I:

I knew it!
Rogue for me! (but only a 63.4% match). I don't know how it figures I like girls that I can never, ever touch.
Arana (who I never heard of until now) was a close second with 63.3% and the Invisible Woman* third at 62.8%.
I guess I had enough of crazy girls in art school. ;)
* I was going to say "Invisible MILF" but, I hate that term. My friend and I preferred GLISM (Good Looking In-Shape Mom).
I got Captain America!
I got Arana, followed by Kitty Pride.
And apparently, I'm Mike Wazowski.
I got Howard The Duck.
How is that possible?
arkonbey - Rogue huh, Look, talk, but don’t' touch hmmmm...
But GLISM sounds like... oh never mind.
LB - That makes perfect sense for those of us that know you. You’re a sap for the well-mannered, old-fashioned type.
Dr S – They’d both be good for you.
As for Mike Wazowski, that tells me a lot about you. Heh, heh
Dean – It’s obvious, you spent time on farm as kid…. It’s only natural.
I honestly don't think you can be all those things at once. It would kill you.
My superheroine lover: Lois Lane (62.8%)
(Kitty Pryde and Lyja tied for second at 62.5%)
My Pixar character: Buzz lightyear.
My Spidey Personality: Flash Thompson
My 80s Personality: I'm a DUDE!
My Batman character: Vicky Vale(??!?)
This is SERIOUSLY bad...
swinebread... you days are numbered.
>:-D muahahaha
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