Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Emerald City Comic Con part three

I could do some very bad things with this picture in Photoshop.

Zenescope was there representin with some of their gals. I bought the zero issue of 1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad.

Here's Arthur Suydam. He's the guy that's done all those wonderful zombie covers. His line was way too long so I didn't wait around for his signature.

Another guy that had a honking huge line was Ed Brubaker. It was OK for me because I didn't have anything for this Cap-killer to sign.

I would have picked up Arcana Comics' Dead Men Tell No Tales trade but I had already ordered it through previews. They had an early release for ECCC. I forgot to get this fine fellow's name (if you know it leave a comment please) but I encouraged him to check out the Stumptown Comics Fest because Arcana Comics is a Pacific Northwest Company (based outta' Vancouver BC). I hope they show up in Portland next year!

Good Bye ECCC. I had a wonderful time and I loved the new space for the show.

We caught a rainbow on the way back to Portland. Very colorful just like the comics I enjoy so much.



ladybug said...

The Vancouver Arcana guys name was Dave F...something...Furly, Forkney? I was looking at his badge to try and remember it, but that's as far as my Memory goes...

As I looked at their website, could only find a "Martin Fisher" maybe I'm totally wrong?

Dean Wormer said...


I didn't see anyhing in your great summaries about Wil Wheaton. Did you see him there? He and Overdroid are on a first name actor/improver/rpger basis.

Also- did you see Adam Baldwin?

Don Snabulus said...

Hey, Ladybug and I attended the live Kids in the Hall performance on Mother's Day and saw Daria just a few rows ahead of us.

Pretty cool, eh?

Nonetheless, do tell us about Mr. Wheaton if you can.

Overdroid said...

That's a four color rainbow.

rob! said...

photo 1: "Mommy, why doesn't that supa gurl have pants?"

Swinebread said...

LB - Yeah I couldn't find him there

dean - I did see Wil. I thought I took a picture of him signing autographs but I didn't. I skipped his talk.

He was just mobbed with folks. I would rather sit-around and drink a few clod ones then converse with him in this situation. I liked his beard though.

snab - that's too cool. blog post about it?

OD - You got it! You Win Big!

rob! - "Because she's getting on her knees for the Flash."

Carlos V said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience at Emerald City Comic Con.