Excalibur Comics

They've got a ton of back issues here!
After a dim sum lunch at a Chinese restaurant, we headed over to our first comic store, Excalibur. They still had a great selection of free comics available and all of us picked up several titles. I think I was most happy with the EC reprint myself. The kids had a lot of fun exploring the store and it reminded me of when I discovered the comic book store for the first time. What’s really interesting is that the Excalibur owners and staff are very serious about their comics. It’s the best place for back issues in the city and they are very knowledgeable about the comic book field. They don’t go in much for extras like toys and games and consequently carry a decent selection of indy and mature titles. Dean was feeling little punch drunk from the Indiana Jones 4 trailer and so he picked up Vol. 1 of Dark Horse’s Indiana Jones omnibus.
Cosmic Monkey

For round two, we zipped off to Cosmic Monkey. Dean and the deltas hadn’t been to the store’s new location so part of the fun was watching their reaction to what turned out to be an incredibly fun leg of our free comic book day tour. The experience didn’t disappoint, as a herd of comic creators (mostly from Periscope) was inside along with a bunch of hipster fans. We all raided the free comics and I got a copy of Gumby this time around. Dean was impressed with the selection of new titles and he picked up the 2nd issue of the Army of Darkness / Xena crossover that he’d missed out on. While the kids got some Iron Man sketches from Jessie Hamm, Dean revealed that one of his female offspring was really into horror comics. This told me several things: 1, Dean is a very cool dad; 2, his daughter is very cool (but I already knew that as all his kids are very cool); and 3, Comics have changed permanently and thank goodness for that. Some of the kids also picked up some Harvey Dent buttons.

Andy Mangels and Kurt Busick

Some of the Creators at Cosmic Monkey

Shannon Wheeler and Carolyn Main

A Cosmic Monkey Comic!

Cosmic Monkey T-Shirts!

Things From Another World

Our last leg of the comics’ journey led us to Things From Another World, a chain in the Portland metro area. TFAW is more of a corporate style of store and has lots of toys, other knickknacks in addition to comics. The place was jam-packed with kids. All the stores had grade-schoolers but Things had the most. That might be because there was a big sale going on and their parents might have found the reduced prices too enticing. The sad part was that most of TFAW’s free comics were gone by this point and so I just picked up the Hellboy Golden Army giveaway, It wasn’t that big of a deal anyway as these guys like to stamp their info on the comic covers, which I think is kinda lame. While perusing the store Dean convinced me to pick up the first issue of the D.C. Fontana’s Star Trek by IDW. I was really turned off by the last Year Four title but this one is much better.

The kids had great time, Dean had a great time, and I had a great time. Free Comic Book Day rules!
is it me or would Carolyn Main be PERFECT to play a 40s-era Lois Lane?
lets see
Mr Fantastic
Wonder Woman
Mickey Mouse
One the Bones
Charlie Brown
And maybe Calvin?
You know FCBD is only as good as the retailers that out the work into it that makes it an event.
Glad to see Portland representing
man the portland comics scene sounds so cool. i really got a make a trip over there and check it out.
Sounds like you guys had a GREAT day!
Sorry I missed it, but I was "pre-empted" by another event...I had fun too and DIDN'T have to drive either!
Thank you so much again for kind of being the unofficial planner for this event. The kids and I spent the whole week looking forward to it and had a blast.
The movie was good. The food was good. And the comics were GREAT.
Besides all the free titles we picked up and I bought you were kind enough to give me some old Star Trek issues. I spent Saturday night happier than a pig in slop reading through all that stuff.
You're the greatest, man!
Rob – I was thinking ‘50s at first but yeah you’re right the 40s Lois her style.
Pidomon – Yeah I think that’s Calvin. We do have some amazing retailer here.
arkonbey – gulp… sorry .
Stephen – I think it’s one of the best in the nation but we are a small city so you’d wanna come when something is going on like the stumptown comics fest.
Hy – That’s cool, there’s always next year!
Dean – It was an all-around fun time for me too and planning what was going on wasn’t work. I’ve got a great picture of you and the kids front of Iron Man!
Those star trek comics were better then I thought they were going to be. I missed out because I was only into supers at the time.
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