This week’s best cover is Cthulhu Tales #2.
The Twelve #5, Marvel Comics. .Witness protection.
The Un-Men #10, DC Comics. Freaks is Freaks..
Army of Darkness: Home Sweet Home #9, Dynamite Entertainment. Back to the shack.
Zorro #3, Dynamite Entertainment. The origin continues.
Dead of Night #4, Marvel Comics. Memories.
Cthulhu Tales #2, Boom Studios. Steve Niles pens a story..
North Wind #5, Boom Studios. The conclusion. I almost picked this issue as best cover. More please.
All-New Iron Man Manual #1, Marvel Comics. Tony sure has a crapload of different suits
Doctor Who: Classics #6, IDW. Werewolf Doctor.
Serenity #3, Dark Horse Comics.
The Last Defenders #3, Marvel Comics. .Man, this had a sucky cover.
Project Superpowers #3, Dynamite Entertainment.
Bat Lash #6, DC Comics. The Gun fighting conclusion!
The Walking Dead #49, Image. A child shall lead?.
Red Sonja #33, Dynamite Entertainment.
Iron Man: Legacy of Doom #2, Marvel Comics. Mogan Le Fey!.
Trade Paperbacks:
Life Sucks, First Second.
Hey, that reminds me - TFAW didn't stick Cthulhu Tales in my box.
I did get some other fun titles off your list including Serenity, and AOD.
As I've said before never a big western comics fan but really enjoyed the Bat Lash mini
And while it was weird alsi enjoyed the Final Crisis Shetchbook and Batman #676 RIP
Yay tentacles!
Cthulhu porn!
That thing looks like the genetic experiment of Cthulhu, a mind flayer, and some Mos Eisley cantina regular.
dean - that's lame, make sure they order it for it you because they forgot.
pidomon - Me too, I was very happy with the Bat Lash ending. Seemed like a script to a 70s western film.
I'm avoiding Crisis for now
Dr. Zaius - It gets me all wet and slimly
randal - Ding ding ding... You win!
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